How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated Throughout the Winter

It's no secret that winter can be tough on your skin, as the dry, cold air seems to strip it of its natural oils and moisture, leading to dry, flaky, and irritated skin. Let's go over a few simple steps you can take to keep your skin hydrated and healthy throughout the winter season.

  1. Use a humidifier: One of the main causes of dry skin in the winter is the low humidity in the air. Using a humidifier in your home or office can help add moisture back into the air, which can help keep your skin hydrated.
  2. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is important for overall health, and it can also help keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep your skin hydrated.
  3. Avoid hot water: Hot water can strip the natural oils from your skin, so it's important to avoid hot showers and baths during the winter. Instead, opt for lukewarm water to help keep your skin hydrated.
  4. Moisturize frequently: Moisturizing your skin is key to keeping it hydrated in the winter. Choose a moisturizer with rich and nourishing ingredients like our Goat Milk Body Lotion, and apply it to your body after showering or bathing. 
  5. Protect your skin from the cold: Cold weather can be harsh on your skin, so it's important to protect it when you're outside. Wear a scarf or face mask to protect your skin from the wind, and make sure to apply moisturizing sunscreen before spending time in the sun.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your skin hydrated and healthy throughout the winter season. Remember to be consistent with your skincare routine and choose products that are tailored to your skin type to get the best results.